The most practical urban mobility solutions

You live in a city and you don't know which solution to choose when faced with multimodal urban mobility. There are many possibilities, but each person has his or her own ideal mode of transportation.

Cars, motorized two-wheelers, public transport, bicycles, scooters, electric models, the options for travel are numerous. According to INSEE, in 2019, 70% of French employees used the car as their daily mode of transportation. Only 16% preferred public transport, 7% walked and the remaining 4% cycled to work. Note that the distance between the point of departure and the point of arrival does not justify the use of a personal vehicle. And for good reason, 58% of working people prefer to travel by car, even when the distance is shorter. Today, habits are changing. The French are making a point of limiting car journeys. By comparing the different urban mobility solutions and in order to limit the environmental impact of thermal transport, discover which urban mobility solutions to prefer.

Quelles solutions de mobilité urbaine sont les plus pratiques ?-1

Public transport

Faced with the need to travel long distances and abandon the use of individual vehicles, public transport appears to be the ideal option.

Favoring public transportation has many advantages. Indeed, having a monthly or yearly subscription to public transport is a guarantee of savings. In addition, companies pay 50% of the fare to employees. In addition to the economic aspect, opting for this means of transportation reduces the greenhouse gas emissions caused by travel in individual vehicles.

Public transportation allows employees to engage in a variety of activities. Reading, making appointments, working on the computer, revising, the time spent on the train, RER, bus, TRAM or metro can be put to good use. In other words, this mode of transportation rhymes with saving time, money and protecting the environment.

However, as with any mode of urban mobility, some people do not like public transport for the following reasons

  • some places are poorly served ;
  • difficulty in getting from point A to point B without using a complementary mode of transportation (walking, scooter, etc.)
  • frequent disruptions (delays, incidents, strikes, etc.);
  • transport often saturated during rush hour.

Soft mobility modes


When it comes toecology and free travel, walking is at the top of the podium. In spite of this, many French people constantly prefer to travel by car. Why should we prefer to use a car when walking a distance of less than 5 km offers many advantages?

Both healthy and economical, walking is perfectly suited to short trips. Recommended by the WHO, this mode of travel reduces the risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle (diabetes, cholesterol, etc.). Today, applications reward users who routinely choose to walk. The kilometers covered are equivalent to points that can be converted into euros. Once a certain number of kilometers is reached, users have the possibility to withdraw their gain.

Moreover, preferring to walk when the distance allows it, makes the road network more fluid. Between health benefits and savings, walking should replace the car as much as possible.

Bicycles: classic, electric or connected

Bicycles are a real ally for city dwellers and are becoming increasingly popular in cities. As an active and practical mode of transportation, the bicycle is a perfect way to get around.

Thanks to the development of multiple urban facilities, cities are encouraging soft mobility modes of travel. In fact, the bicycle is the ideal alternative to avoid traffic jams and parking problems.

In addition, the evolution of the electric bicycle model favors the use of this mode of locomotion. And for good reason, equipped with an electric assistance, the EABs require less effort and therefore allow to travel long distances without suffering. Thus, many people now prefer to use a bicycle to taking the subway, streetcar or bus.

Self-service bicycles, present in large cities and their suburbs, offer the possibility of using this means of transportation on a daily basis, without being forced to acquire a personal vehicle. Thus, there is no need to own a cellar or to be forced to store a bike in an apartment.

Scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, hoverboards and gyrorou

Just like the bicycle, these modes of locomotion provide a certain freedom. Indeed, users are no longer concerned by the odors, nuisances and stress caused by public transport.

It is impossible to miss the omnipresence of scooters in urban areas. For many years, the classic models have been an integral part of the landscape. Fast, light and foldable, they allow you to get around with ease. They are ideal for short trips and are a perfect complement to the various urban mobility offers.

Whether for personal travel or self-service use, scooters are now available in electric models. Just like rollerblades, skateboards, hoverboards or even gyrorou, these have many advantages.

It should be noted that the existence of bicycle paths guarantees the safety of users. However, it is up to them to get informed and to respect the Highway Code for the use of these new means of transportation.

Quelles solutions de mobilité urbaine sont les plus pratiques ?-2

Car-sharing and car-pooling

When replacing the car is a constraint, it is advisable to prefer less polluting modes of transportation.

Available in self-service, this service allows to limit the purchase of a personal vehicle and reduces the constraints related to the need to park, insure and maintain a car.

Today, many French people prefer this type of service to those offered by car rental agencies.

In cities and suburbs, cars on the roads are rarely shared. Faced with this environmental problem, single people are encouraged to turn to carpooling. This service has multiple advantages, including

  • cost reduction;
  • the opportunity to meet new people;
  • reduction of greenhouse gases.

Regardless of the mode of travel selected, each has its advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the needs and nature of the trip, the most practical urban mobility solution should be adopted. However, it is worth noting that modern urban mobility is multi-modal. Awareness is changing and urban areas are being transformed to make room for ecological and economical alternatives. Urban mobility, which is softer, greener and more varied, responds to the need to limit the circulation of polluting vehicles and to reduce inequalities of access. Finally, for the most recalcitrant, the electric or hybrid car remains less harmful for the environment than a thermal vehicle.

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